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Hello!:*My name is Zeynab!I’m student. I am studying at the University at the Faculty of Economics, and I like to educate ourselves. i love frut and candies:)but I think it is important for a person not just ordinary food not only for body but for the soul too.I love shopping, compliments, travels, laughter, i love read books.i love many diffrent books…one of my favorite book is Bondwomen of passion by Bertris Smoll. It describes the fate of yunnoy and beautiful girl named Zainab, she was the last pupil of the school of passion in which she was taught the art of rhetoric, playing musical instruments, foreign languages, as well as the art of love, how to bring a man pleasure, and her main skill was dances, as well as the events described in the book took place in ancient Samarkand, she performed a belly dance very well, so I tried to convey her image in his suit and his belly dancing ..And if you want to plunge into the wonderful and mysterious world of oriental dance belly and passion … I’m waiting for you in private .. and I will be glad to give you pleasure to dance and conversation.