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Month: November, 2018

I’ll Clear My Calendar

Let me just say most of you would probably be surprised by how much pussy you get as a teacher. I know that sounds absolutely terrible, but you don’t know what it’s like. These little sluts are sexy as fuck and they know it. They’re just discovering how to manipulate the male species with their sexual prowess.

Some of the girls are desperate to do anything to get the grade they need for this or that. They are so sweet and just want to please.

Then there’s the super slutty ones that just want to fuck their teacher. They’re the ones that will bend over in front of you all the time. Wear no bra on purpose so you can see her hard nipples right through the fabric of her shirt. Student or not the day a hot little slut turns eighteen is the day I bury my cock deep in every hole in her body.

Right now you can get this Teacher Fucks Teens 77% off discount and see what I’m talking about.


Sex Chat to Stay Faithful

Long distance relationships are hard work. It wasn’t a road that I had planned to go down, but when my girl suddenly had to move back to her home state, it became necessary. It’s only supposed to be for 6 months, but it already feels like forever. I am trying my hardest to behave while she is away, so instead of hitting up bars, I am hitting up cam sites.

There are some people who might consider it cheating, but I consider it staying faithful. I am not out dipping my wick in other chicks and I’m not making any physical contact. I really think this is good for our relationship. Am I going to tell her about my hobby? Hell no! But I do think it is helping to keep me in line.

Since I am not currently having real sex, the is the next best thing. Getting jerk off instruction from sexy strangers who will squirt while calling out my name makes the nights without my girl less lonely.