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Month: March, 2018

Petrolhead Porn is a Thing!

At FuckNDrive the premise that strings together all of their porn scenes is vehicles. Either they’ve pulled over for a quicky, or they’re getting their fuck on in the parking lot after a night of socialising at their local pub.

This pic is from a scene of a guy and his hot girlfriend taking a cruise on his bike through the country side and pulling over in a forest area for some sexy time. She’s of course dressed ready to hit a nightclub you know, as you do when you go for a road trip out of town in the middle of the day… only in porn I swear.

There’s a special on the go where you can get 75% off Fuck N Drive with this discount which should be pretty sweet for anyone that loves cars, bikes and hot chicks. That pretty much means every man on the planet I think.

(SJW’s note I said “man” not “male”… now go fuck yourself)